Ordering numbers to 100

Learning Intention:
I am learning to order numbers up to 100.

Success Criteria:

I will be successful when I order numbers in my rocket correctly so it can blast off!

Talking about my Must do's at reading time

Learning Intention:
I am learning to complete my Must do's independently and help a buddy by talking about their learning.

Success Criteria:

I will be successful when I complete my Must do's independently before learning time is finished and talk to my buddy about their learning.

Term 3 writing

Learning Intention:
I am learning to describe a character using lots of describing words/adjectives.

Success Criteria:
To be successful I will put at least 5 describing words into my story.

James brainstorming his ideas.

James published his writing using Chatterpix. Well done James using so many describing words in your story!

Showing my CARE values

We are learning to:

Community - Be a positive member of Oaklands School and Room 21.

Active Thinking - Use our initiative when making choices.

Respect - Be kind and respectful towards others.

Excellence - Try our best in our learning.

Success Criteria:

We prove we can consistently show Community, Active Thinking, Respect and Excellence when we get our Bronze, Silver and Gold Certificates.


We are learning to:
  • use non standard equipment to measure
  • compare two measurements
  • use measurement words to talk about our learning
  • use the standard unit of centimetres to measure
Success Criteria

  • Start in the correct place
  • Choose appropriate equipment to measure something
  • Use a simple centimetre ruler to measure small things
  • Put equipment close together, without spaces
  • Measure in a straight line
  • Use words like: measure, long, wide, narrow, longer than, shorter than, wider than, narrower than, the same as