Our Gardening Project

We are learning:

To write and observe how our pumpkin seed is growing into a plant.

Success Criteria:

We will know we are successful when we can describe the life cycle of a plant.

James' Mihi

Learning Intention:
I am learning to introduce myself by reciting my mihi.

Success Criteria:
To be successful I will say my mihi correctly.

Term 4 Writing - What am I?

Learning Intention:
For science, we have been learning about all the characteristics that living things do that means they are living.

Success Criteria:
We will be successful if we talk about some of the things something needs to do to be living. 
Breathe, Eat, Drink, Reproduce, Move, Grow

We decided to do some guess who writing for you!

We chose a living thing and wrote a description of this living thing.  Can you guess what my one is....

Easy Blog Photo

It's a squirrel! 

Easy Blog Photo

Well done James. You were able to explain why a squirrel is a living thing.

Hui - Identifying Kai

Learning Intention:
I am learning to understand and use some familiar food vocabulary

Success Criteria:

I will be successful when I can identify kai pictures and say the words correctly.

Technology - Force & Motion

Technology Brief
Your moving toy needs to:

  • Have a body that can hold a plastic teddy bear.
  • Have at least two wheels that move by themselves.
    • You can push it to start it moving
  • Move past the 1 metre line at the bottom of the ramp.

Term 3 - shape

Geometry - Shapes

Learning Intention
We are learning to sort shapes by their characteristics

Success Criteria
We will know we are successful when we:
  • use  words like - shape, line, straight, curved, corners, edges, sides
  • think about different ways to sort the shapes
  • talk about how and why we sorted the shapes

Rich task at the beginning of the unit:

Rich task at the end of the unit:

Singing Waiata at Hui

Learning Intention:
I am learning to show excellence by joining in and singing waiata properly at hui time.

Success Criteria:
To be successful I will join in and and put lots of effort into singing waiata properly with my classmates.

Art - Warm and Cold Colours

Learning Intention:
I am learning to identify what art elements and techniques I have used.

Success Criteria:
To be successful I will identify what art elements and techniques I have used in my picture.

Easy Blog Photo


Learning Intention:
I am learning to create and perform a sequence that links 2 shapes.

Success Criteria:
I will be successful when I perform a sequence that I have created that links 2 shapes with a roll.

Ordering numbers to 100

Learning Intention:
I am learning to order numbers up to 100.

Success Criteria:

I will be successful when I order numbers in my rocket correctly so it can blast off!

Talking about my Must do's at reading time

Learning Intention:
I am learning to complete my Must do's independently and help a buddy by talking about their learning.

Success Criteria:

I will be successful when I complete my Must do's independently before learning time is finished and talk to my buddy about their learning.